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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Admit That You're Pregnant Already!!!

We don't get why these divas, namely Christina Aguilera and Jennifer Lopez, won't just admit that they're pregnant. But we do know one thing, it's getting on our nerves!

We could really care less if the dirrty girls from the block are with child. But we're sick of seeing blog entries devoted to whether or not Marc Anthony, aka J. Lo's bushwhacked other half, is sending a cryptic message, about the rumored pregnancy, by singing a Journey song during their concert. Or whether or not Anthony's ex-wife, Dayanara Torres, confirmed the pregnancy during an interview with a Spanish language publication. Was she improperly translated? Was she misquoted? Oh the scandal.

Here's a tip: If we have to crack codes or learn a new language to stand a chance at being in the know, then maybe we're better left in the dark.

But who do they think they're kidding? Lopez is definitely pregnant. Look at her.

J. Lo, just put the rumors to rest! You are creating more of a media frenzy with your silence! Don't give us another reason to detest you and find you annoying!

Besides the only reason anyone cares if you're expecting is because you're treating it as if you have some valuable esoteric knowledge. We're not saying your kid won't be "special" but...

Sorry, we just really can't stand Lo-Marc, individually or as a couple.

Ms. Aguilera is on our shit list too. But at least she isn't on a global junket promoting her projects while she's "secretly" in her second trimester.

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